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The Candid Traveller

Photo Credit: Emery Jane Kempis Daigle


Traveling solo can be rewarding or can be daunting. The luxury of being  the authority of oneself  and is  in full charge to what you do and go. Buying a single ticket to Europe  and making your own discoveries can be   challenging  especially if you are still a newbie. But for some this is the ultimate challenge. Despite of the me and I against the world experience, fear sometimes sets in. Your family will try to talk you out of this  and  share horrible and tragic  stories.  But remember, thousands  of men and women, young and old, travel on their own and will still continue to do so again and again.


Here’s how to make it happen


1. First thing to do is to make it happen. Plan your trip ahead. Not only it will save you money(this is essential because you don’t have a partner to split up) but it’ll certainly help you focus on the things to remember on traveling solo. Baby steps and it you’ll be surprised it becomes habit-forming. But before making a decision, you need to ask yourself if the journey you’ll be conquering is a relaxation or an exploration.There’s a big difference between the two.


2. Prepare yourself to read tons of blogs, reviews and articles on “How to travel Solo”. Researching where to get the best travel resources can be a waste of time OR can be a lifesaver. When worries sink in,  it is best to read stories to inspire your travels, join travel forums and seek advice from travel experts. They share the most reliable tips and guidelines needed for your trip. From choosing the best itinerary to all about where and how.


3. Face your worst fear. It is quite uncomfortable if your mind is haunted with  loneliness of traveling alone. Thinking you’ll be harassed, you can be a target of muggers and pickpockets or might be  a victim of mistaken identity and more. Be brave and take heart. Just be sure to pick  a “safe” country. For some travelers,  a country where most people who speaks English is  an advantage to them. But for an unfamiliar country learning how to say “no, thank you” might just save you in awkward situations.  But don’t worry, you can tackle each of these concerns and handle it directly. Always have emergency numbers with you just in case you feel threatened.


Now that you are almost on the verge of traveling solo, here are other tips in completing your mission


1. Choose places that won’t be overrun with couples. Some places have romantic spots and cupids all over. Instead, pick places that  are not known with the honeymoon set. You might feel isolated which can ruin your whole vacation.


2. If you are up to  experiencing the cultural, agricultural, linguistic  and culinary differences, go to the market. Most people are willing to teach you something and share their secrets and  recipes on their local dish-if you are lucky. Not only you came out with friends but also with certain amount of knowledge given to you by amazing people.

Photo Credit: Emery Daigle

Photo Credit: Emery Daigle


3. As your solo trip begins  and you are already feeling that  you are a part of the grand solo travelers around the world. Feel free to take  a class. You can take a cooking class in Spain, learn a new language, learn to dance tango in Argentina, or how to paddle surf in Hawaii. You are in control. Sky’s the limit.  Learning might completely transform your travel experience.


4. There is always a chance of being a solo traveler but not being completely on your own. You can always Volunteer for a  portion of your trip.  There are short  programs that relates to what interests you most.  You can meet a lot of people and make a difference together.

Photo Credit:Emery Kempis Daigle  Rwanda

Photo Credit:Emery Kempis Daigle


5. Break up trips with available tours as part of your itinerary. You’ll enjoy the company and let the tour organizers take care of the rest.


6. Take advantage of the nightlife if you are in the mood for party. But If you want peace and quiet, go to restaurants or coffee shops with hubs for freelancers and Wifi to stay in touch with your  family.Take time to observe and absorb your environment. Take a sit on bench and notice how they dress, talk, and gestures. A lot of travelers find this useful especially when they don’t speak their language.


7. Spend a day or two to get oriented  with your destination. Talk to someone to a local chamber of commerce and ask for a free map and suggestions for points of interests and tourist spots. Talk to strangers and ask how much you will be fared on taxis, bus , trains  and etc. Yes, your mom will not be proud knowing you have to break her golden rule. But this may help you  a lot.


8. Many travelers said to always carry a game with you, like chess, a backgammon set  and even cards. You can have new friends around the world  over a simple game.


 9.  It is important to know where to store your documents for  safety.  Always keep significant things secure like passports, money and travel documents inside a zipped purse, concealed wallets or neck pouches with anti snatch security cable.  Some solo travelers suggested to use  money belts, others said  on security waist wallets which is one of the most popular ways to carry valuables when hidden.


10. Take photos, write a blog about your journey as a solo traveler,  or make a scrapbook about it. You have all the time in the world. Share these once you get home. Your family and friends will really appreciate your perspective and stories.

Photo credit:Emery Kempis Daigle Netherlands

Photo credit:Emery Kempis Daigle

 Going on a trip alone will not be for everyone .  But you should know your strengths. Are you a sociable person or the other way around. Traveling solo allows your for an introspection,  self-discovery and can be life changing.  Who knows, You’ll  be surprised to come home stronger and more confident than ever before.

Note: The purpose of this travel article  is for inspiration and entertainment only. Every solo traveler’s situation can vary. Your safety  is your responsibility and not that of the author.


Martie Martillano-Yap

Martie's job is to make everyone happy in the office. She likes to finish her tasks fast. She is grateful to be a part of a team that really understands and appreciates her for what she is because "normal" life and people can be challenging! She is grateful to be surrounded by intelligent and talented co-workers, family and friends who push her to grow and learn. She always strives to keep her standards, and her heels, high. She frequently bursts out in song even in the midst of crisis (especially in a crisis, actually). She is totally devoted to her only daughter, Margaux. She loves to be a mom. She is also a frustrated chef wanna-be. She wishes to have superpowers like super "slow-mo". Martie also manages and controls the content as well the optimization and promotion of Asia.com

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