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Privacy Policy

World Media Group provides this privacy policy because we value your right to privacy. This policy is effective as of November 10, 2007 and governs the collection of personal information through this website on or after this date.

This policy describes the types of information we may collect from visitors and how that information is used. Please read this policy carefully before providing us with any personal information. If you have questions about this policy, contact us.

Information we collect

Unregistered users

You can register at some of our sites to take advantage of personalization features or to purchase travel services.

If you do not register, then the information we collect from you is limited. We log your IP address in order to help diagnose problems with our server, administer our Web site and track usage statistics. Your IP address may vary each time you visit, or it may be the same. It would be extremely difficult for us to identify you through your IP address, and we make no attempt to do so. If you reached our site by clicking on a link or advertisement on another site, we may log that information. All of this information is collected and used only in the aggregate.

We may place a small “cookie” file on your computer’s hard drive. A cookie may contain information that allows us to track your path through our Web site and to determine whether you have visited us before. Unless you register with us or purchase from us, the cookie contains no personally identifiable information. We may use cookies to help us understand how visitors use our site, and to help us to improve our site. You may elect not to accept cookies by changing settings in your browser.

Registered users

If you purchase travel or other services or goods from us or you choose to register with us independently for other benefits, we will collect personal information from you in addition to the non-personal information described above. The information we collect may vary, but we only collect the information that you manually enter into our forms or otherwise authorize us to collect. That personal information may include your name, email address, mailing address, telephone number, payment information, travel and other preferences, user name and password, as well as contact information for other people that you provide to us. To provide an enhance personalized service, we may store all or some of that information in a cookie file on your hard drive, so that our system will recognize you each time you visit our site. In that way, we can save your preferences from visit to visit and present you with a customized Web site, without requiring you to log into our site every time you visit. Additionally, authorized personnel may update your registration information to accurately reflect any new information included in communications received from you.

Partner Sites

We work with partners to make sure that we can provide you with the best possible services. If you reach our site through one of our partners rather than directly through us and you choose to register or purchase travel or other services or goods with them while they are acting as a service provider to us, they may provide certain of the information to us so that we can still enhance your service and any such information will be covered under the parameters of this privacy statement. In addition our partners may have their own privacy statements which govern their use of information that they collect and we encourage our users to read their statements as well before submitting any personal information.

How we use the personal information we collect.

Your information allows us to personalize our Web site so that it is most useful to you. It may allow you to log into our site automatically each time you visit, rather than manually typing your user name and password every time. We may use your personal information to periodically contact you with news or important information, to provide you with other information or invitations related to your membership, and to request your feedback on our site. For instance when you purchase travel or other services or goods from us we will send you travel booking or other relevant confirmations relating to your order. In addition, we send our customers and registers users periodic newsletters as well as valuable travel specials and other offers such as a special on a dream vacation, low cost airfare rates or relevant deals that we have secured for our users. We can use the information that you give us to make our specials more relevant to you. While many of our users look forward to receiving such offers, if you decide for any reason to not receive newsletter or special offers from us you can opt-out at any time by letting us know (opt-out links are provided in all emails). If you change you mind then just opt back in by letting us know.

Disclosure of your personal information.

We may share some of your personally identifiable information with our parent company, our subsidiaries and sister companies. They are required to place restrictions on the use of personal information that comply with the provisions of this privacy policy. We also may share your personal information with third-parties engaged to provide services to us (such as market research firms, marketing services providers and advertising agencies). We will ensure those parties agree to use any such personally-identifiable data solely for the purpose of providing the specified services to us. We must cooperate with legal authorities, and may in some circumstances be required to disclose personally identifiable information in response to requests from law enforcement authorities, or in response to a subpoena or other legal process. We can turn over information about you if we believe we must in order to prevent a violation of the law, and by accepting this policy, you consent to our doing so, in our sole discretion. You also consent to our disclosing information about you in the course of legal proceedings if we are legally required to do so, if we reasonably believe that doing so may mitigate our liability, or if doing so will assist us in enforcing our legal rights. We also may share your information in connection with a corporate transaction, such as a divestiture, merger, consolidation, or asset sale, and in the unlikely event of bankruptcy.

Changes to this Privacy Policy.


We reserve the right to change this policy should we deem it advisable to do so. Our Privacy Policy will be available online for your review. If we make material changes that will affect personal information we have already collected from you, we will make reasonable efforts to notify you of the changes and give you the opportunity to amend or cancel your registration