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Papua New Guinea


The people of Papua New Guinea are diverse and complex in some aspects. They can be divided into four ethnic groups; these are New Guineans who are from the north of the main island, Papuans from the south, and the Islanders and the Highlanders. There are considerable cultural differences within each of these groups. The south coast people were experts and aggressive for cannibalistic headhunting before the arrival of the Europeans. Lots of people still live in small villages and follow old traditional ways of tribal customs. Even though English is the official language in government and schools, almost 800 unique languages are spoken on the islands.


The geography of Papua New Guinea is fascinating to learn. If you consider researching the exact history of the geographic location, it will help you when you travel to this country. The geography definitely depicts the significance of the people of this country. Papua New Guinea is a country in Oceania that occupies the half of the eastern island of New Guinea and countless offshore islands. This country is located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean in an area defined since the early 19th century as Melanesia. The geographical location exhibits the beauty of the land structure. You can see its picturesque nature; the lovely mountains and terrains, the volcanoes and its waterfalls and rivers will surely delight your eyes when you witness these beautiful sites. So start your vacation here in Papua New Guinea; rest assured that you will have a memorable vacation.


The first occupants of Papua New Guinea are the migrants from the Indonesian archipelago who arrived about 50,000 years ago. An old country with lots of cultural influences but which is always open to modern lifestyle and culture; the migrants of this country arrived in numerous waves, and the land that they encountered had an admirable effect on cultural progress. Because Papua New Guinea's terrain is etched by imposing mountains and extremely rugged territory, different population groups evolved in virtual isolation. Each group developed its own dialect and language and its own tribal culture and tradition, a development that gives Papua New Guinea one of the world's most diverse and interesting cultural landscapes.

Famous Attractions

There are many attractions and special places in Papua New Guinea to see. From the geographical location itself and the distinctness of the people's culture, you can definitely find lovely places that you have never seen before. You can even witness important events like traditional feasts, and right in this country you can also witness the top diving locations in the world. Of course, for you to experience the events and attractions of Papua New Guinea, you have to travel there and see for yourself. Apart from the beautiful view of the city sites and the ancient structures of buildings, there are also important events that you as a traveler should experience like festivals, surfing, diving, hiking, and fishing. Every year about 70,000 tourists visit the lovely country of Papua New Guinea. That is why when you travel to this place, you will certainly have an experience of a lifetime.


All around Papua New Guinea you will certainly find so many things to experience; you might not have enough time to do everything. This country has lots of interesting places to visit where one can easily pass lots of hours enjoying the amusement and entertainment at night. There is a wide range of bars, cafes and clubs all over this country. Port Moresby and the tourist resorts in Papua New Guinea have some of the most popular bars and clubs in the country. Whatever kind of bar or club you are looking for, you will certainly find it in Papua New Guinea. That is why you can be sure that you will have fun and enjoyable night when you go to an entertainment establishment in here.


In a country that has four million people with 800 different languages, Papua New Guinea can definitely not be compared with any other country for its rich cultural diversity. There is no such thing as the usual Papua New Guinean. More than 200 cultures, each with different traditions, have been acknowledged. This is why there are lots of travelers and tourists who always travel to this country. There is no more enjoyable vacation than traveling in Papua New Guinea.


The cuisine of Papua New Guinea easily pleases. It always satisfies the food lovers or gourmands and even those who are fastidious about their food. The cuisine is not as complex as in some countries. When you travel to this country, you can easily adapt to every delicacy they serve to you. Traditional food of Papua New Guinea is based on root crops such as kaukau, taru and yams, pig and sago - cooked in the earth for traditional feasts. Mumu is a traditional food combining roast pork, rice and sweet potatoes. So every food you have in Papua New Guinea is always a satisfying meal.

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