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Saudi Arabia Visa

A visa is required for U.S. citizens intending to visit Saudi Arabia. There are six types available: employment, business, residence, family visit, extension of re-entry, and transit visas. Of these, business and transit visas are most common. Saudi Arabia does not issue tourist visas.

Multiple entry visas may be requested; however, it is at the consulate"s discretion whether to grant this or not. Furthermore, the longest duration of one"s stay per visit is 30 days.

Transit visas are only issued to those who have a layover in Saudi Arabia, and they are granted provided that the travelers have proof they are departing the country within 48 hours. Furthermore, a passport showing proof that you have a valid visa for the country you are going to after departure from Saudi Arabia is also required.

In order to acquire a business visa, a cover letter from your company is required stating the name of the Saudi Arabian company, the nature of your visit, a guarantee of financial responsibility, and the length of your visit. The application must also be approved with an invitation from the Saudi Arabia Minister of Foreign Affairs. All these must be presented with a signature of a company official and bear the logo of the company.

For more information on a Saudi Visa, please visit:

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